This is a platform that is on top of Amazon’s most wanted collection, it offers different types of women outfits like Shoes, Jewelry, Home & Décor, Clothing, Accessories, Handbags, and Beauty Products.
They also offer entertainment and original series of trending videos, from 60 Second Cities to ShatterBox, Fundamental, SuperMajority, and more. Users who follow the trend with R29 will get stories on Food & Drinks, Beauty, Work & Money, Money Diaries, 2020 Election, Sex & Wellness, and more.
The concept of Refinery29 is to provide a platform where women can gather and feel calm and feel their strength. It has 4 more editions and they include; Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France. To make the platform lively and enjoyable, R29 from time-to-time offer promotional services like survey, contest, sweepstakes, and more to their users.
To become a member of Refinery29, you must be up to the age of 13 and above. Residents of California are excepted from this eligibility because their law refrains individuals below the age of 18 years from consenting in any legal agreement.
This platform was registered as Refinery 29 Inc. it has a main objective and it is to focus on women who are making waves in their area of specialty. They tend to entertain, empower, as well as inspire the circular woman via diverse and reality exposition and news guide.
R29 was founded by Piera Gelardi, Justin Stefano, ChristeneBarberich, and Philippe Von Borries. The platform became a reality in late November 2005. The company presently boasts of over 800 employees.
For you to enjoy the special attention as a woman, all you need to do is to sign up using https://www.refinery29.com/ for more details. You can also contact them via their official registered address at 225 Broadway, 23 Floor, New York, NY 10007 United States.
Similar Sites Like Refinery29

1. Autostraddle
This is a site like Refinery29 that believes in the course of every woman. It is a web-based media company that promotes information that is relevant for the education of the female folks. Some of the topics featured include; Politics, Sex & Dating, Arts and Pop Culture, and mots more.
The platform was created by Riese Bernard and was launched on 12 March 2009. The platform is currently operated and managed by The Excitant Group LLC.
Membership to this platform is in stages, the free readers, and the A+ subscribers. As an independent company that offers a social network for queer women, lesbian, as well as bisexuals. The A+ subscription gives room for advances access on the platform.
The platform presently recorded over 2 million monthly visitors and over 500,000 members.
To get more fantasy than Autostraddle gives, just visit https://www.autostraddle.com/ and you wouldn’t regret it.

2. The Good Trade
Among the sites like Refinery29, The Good Trade pose as a key competitor to all online media and lifestyle platform. The platform is open for users to share their lifestyle experience with the general community. Creating an account on this website has been temporally suspended
Amy Ann Cadwell saw into the vision which later becomes a reality. The founding of The Good Trade in the autumn of 2014 in Los Angeles is the online media as well as lifestyle packaging which Amy Ann Cadwell dream of and it covers key areas like lifestyle and fashion.
The platform is currently on annual visitors up to 50 million users who flog the site for content that will facilitate their lifestyle. They make their revenue via paid ad links and other lifestyle materials.
What are you still waiting for, kindly sign up using https://www.thegoodtrade.com/

3. Them
This is among the best news agency that promotes female fashion, health, emotional, and sexuality. They tend to make the voice of women to be heard and they inspire them to go for the best as regards politics, culture, relationships, and more.
To enjoy the captivating experience with Them, you have to become a registered member and for you to become a member, you must be up to the age of 18 years or more.
The company is operated and managed by Conde Nast and they are located at 1 World Trade Center New York, NY 10007, USA.
Kindly visit the official page of Them using https://www.them.us/or as well follow them on their social media pages and handles for more news updates.

4. The Cut
The Cut tells the story as it is, they feature news like Health, Fashion, Politics, Style, Parenting, Culture, and the most crucial part of the platform activity is the body politic.The platform takes their readers on a jolly ride across variant conversations and they ensure every topic is ironed out equally. The Cut offers a perfect destination for women with craving mind for style for the latest trend.
The platform was registered and operated by Vox Media, Inc., The Cut was founded by Kush Patel and Obi Omile Jr, the duo happens to be high school bestie.
Membership to this platform is limited to those up the age of 13 years or more, however, those who are eligible for the A-list invitations and other key subject-matter are those who are up to the age of 18 years and above. Other levels of engagements offered on this platform are reserved for those who are 21 years or more.
To enjoy more from The Cut, you have to pay more, this brings us to the subscription charge $20 per month.
More details can be found at https://www.thecut.com/or you can visit Vox Media, LLC, at 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW 11th floor, Washington, DC 20036 United States.

5. Blood + Milk
This is a platform that gives women the voice they need to thrive in a world where men get all they want. Their main objective is to lend women a voice to experience and express their womanhood. Ladies who shop at “Shop Cora” via Blood + Milk, you will get free kinds of stuff like Ladies’ mensural pad as well as journals for girl child education.
There are loads of educative articles found on the platform that can help women in birth Control + Abortion, Pregnancy and Birth, Sex and Intimacy, and more. The community shares resources that may be of great importance to the next reader.
The establishment of Blood+Milk came when the founder found out that there was no dedicated platform that treats or discuss the experience and stages that women’s body undergoes.
This vision kicked started in the mid-summer of 2018, intending to rapidly educate them in areas like psychological, physical, spiritual, emotional, cultural, political, physiological stages in women and how the body reacts to each.
Those who may be allowed to become a member of this platform must be above the age of 17 years, although this age may not be accepted in certain regions. Do well and find out the legal age of consent within your locality.
This platform is the editorial wing of Cora and they are located in San Francisco, United States.
What an amazing site to use, get more info at https://www.bloodandmilk.com/

6. Salty
As the name implies, Salty is an online fashion& media platform that adds flavor to the wardrobe of women who wants their voice to be heard via outfits. It encourages women not to shy away from what they believe in, thereby making them authentic and respected by all who live around them.
Since its inception, Salty has been promoting the interest of women through their independent online platform, it shows them fashion from a different angle to enhance their insight on what to wear and how to wear it well.
In order words, Salty is a fashion liberation movement for women, both fat and slim. The online media platform was founded in the early march of 2017 in Brooklyn, New Yorkto become a global contributor.
As a web-based media platform, Salty was registered as Salty World LLC. And now it has risen to become one of the largest contributing communities in the world. The concept of this web-based media platform was pioneered by Claire Fitzsimmons, it came from her strong will for the libra sexuality and mental wellbeing of women.
Get started with https://saltyworld.net/

7. Darling Magazine
Another fascinating online media site that focuses more on women’s content is Darling Magazine, they believe that women are a work of art that needs to be nurtured for exploitation. The magazine site has a policy that prohibits retouching news that relates to women.
The company was established by a pretty damsel named Sarah Dubbeldam in the late winter of 2012 in Los Angeles, California. The company was registered with the name Darling Media, Inc.
Darling Magazine is also a great advocate for the caring of the female body, Fashion and Beauty, Culture, and more.
To get that inspiration that you desire, visit https://darlingmagazine.org/ and discover the secret habit of most influential and successful women.
There are things you need to know about sites like Refinery29, they are advocates of the female gender and they all offer articles, research, and medical journals about the health and lifestyle of women. Feel free to join and learn using any of the above-listed sites.